Wondering what a Seed Library is?
A Seed Library works like a ‘normal’ library, but instead of books, you take out free packets of seeds. You grow your own food, herbs, flowers, and trees from the seeds you’ve borrowed – or bought from elsewhere. At the end of the growing season, you can return some saved seeds to the library. Then other members can take them out for next year’s growing, and so the cycle continues…

Over time, seed libraries build a living collection of seeds that grow successfully in their local conditions.

For Moffat Seed Library that means local seeds, perfectly suited to our mostly wet and sometimes windy weather.
And if we end up with hot, dry, tropical summers as a result of our changing weather patterns? Then we hope our local seeds can adapt and cope with the challenges of climate change.
But just as regular libraries are about more than books, Seed Libraries can be about more than seeds…
Seeds have stories too
Seed Libraries share and honour their seed stories. They celebrate the amazing gift of seeds. And they make seeds part of the rich culture and natural resource of their local areas.
Maybe you have a packet of your Auntie’s favourite sweet peas tucked away? Sharing them – and your happiest memories – with other members helps to build a rich network of wonderful, heartfelt stories – and we could all do with a bit of that nowadays.
Not sure how to start?
It can be tricky to save seeds though. So, just like all good libraries, Seed Libraries offer support to help get members started on their seed saving experience.
Here in Moffat we’re at the start of our journey to create a living, thriving local Seed Library and there’s a long way to go. How we do things will change as we (hopefully) get bigger and better.
But we’re excited to find where the adventure takes us and hope you want to join and learn with us at the start of the journey.